doors open for 2024 on August 8th, 2024

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  • Praying to the universe and wishing on every 11:11 to changeย yourย  life
  • Desperately looking for psychics and tarot readers that are going to tellย you that a change is coming in yourย life
  • Dealing with narcissistic people in home or work situations
  • Avoiding the mirror or projecting hatred towardsย yourself wheneverย you are near the mirror
  • Crying about yourself,ย your life, orย your past which hauntsย you
  • Having people inย your life that are unkind toย youย and then complaining about them
  • Having anxiety attacks from your overwhelming thoughts in your mind
  • Having extremely low self-confidence and self-worth
  • Struggling to love yourself in your body
  • Feeling scared and overwhelmed by your own thoughts of self-hatred
  • Bad memories from the past are bubbling up and causing you hatred, resentment, depression towards yourself and your life
  • Feeling like you are being absorbed in a hole of self-hatred
Bootstrap Testimonial Carousel

Beautiful souls - this used to be me as well!

I struggled so deeply with loving myself and felt in the whisper in my soul that I was worthy but just didn’t know how to get there. Fast forward 10+ years, an epic journey to the Olympic Games, writing a book, living in Bali, deepening my spiritual practice and lots of healing work - I now sit here on the other side in my ideal reality but most importantly with so much deeper and profound self-love and worthiness. And I want to get you there, too!

The Olympics and the mindset I learned as an athlete massively helped but what I realised was missing when I dived into my spiritual journey is using our connection to source, the inherent power of being a WOMAN and using that to radically transform into the women we’ve always desired to be. This program IS the magic that you’ve been missing in your life - if you are ready to take the leap for you and commit to yourself - I know your life will be radically transformed.


10-Week Program for women to let go of the stories holding them back & step into their feminine power!


there are two parts to this powerful process



  • Understand where the beliefs and thoughts come from that arenโ€™t serving you
  • Access simple yet powerful self-healing modalities to help you shift your subconscious programming
  • Dive into healing with your inner child, ancestral trauma and adult life struggles
  • Learn the tools to continue to heal yourself throughout your life
  • Connect deeper with the Goddess and the Universe as your divine guidance
  • Live Daily Morning guided healing meditations for 2 Week Healing Circle in Alignment with the Moon
  • High Priestess Healing (Distance Reiki and Acupuncture) sent during weekly calls

#2 - R E C L A M A T I O N

  • Reclaiming our divine feminine power through reconnecting with our cycle
  • Understanding how to balance your masculine and feminine energies
  • Falling in love with your physical body
  • Connecting to the power of the energy of pleasure
  • Learning how to become fearless moving forward
  • Feeling liberated in your body, mind, spirit and soul

Weekly Breakdown

Count me in!

Weekly Breakdown

Count me in!


@ Midnight on August 30th










$1111 USD

  • Lifetime Weeks Access to FB Community
  • 10 LIVE Weekly 90-minute Group Coaching Calls
  • 6 x Healing Hoursย 
  • 1 x Group Hypnosis
  • 10 Days of Live Morning Meditation Group Calls
  • 1 Releasingย Ceremony Call
  • LIFETIME ACCESS to the program and all future iterationsย 


$186 USD for 6 months

  • Lifetime Weeks Access to FB Community
  • 10 LIVE Weekly 90-minute Group Coaching Calls
  • 6 x Healing Hoursย 
  • 1 x Group Hypnosis
  • 10 Days of Live Morning Meditation Group Calls
  • 1 Releasingย Ceremony Call
  • LIFETIME ACCESS to the program and all future iterationsย 


$1111 USD

  • Lifetime Weeks Access to FB Community
  • 10 LIVE Weekly 90-minute Group Coaching Calls
  • 6 x Healing Hoursย 
  • 1 x Group Hypnosis
  • 10 Days of Live Morning Meditation Group Calls
  • 1 Releasingย Ceremony Call
  • LIFETIME ACCESS to the program and all future iterationsย 


$186 USD for 6 months

  • Lifetime Weeks Access to FB Community
  • 10 LIVE Weekly 90-minute Group Coaching Calls
  • 6 x Healing Hoursย 
  • 1 x Group Hypnosis
  • 10 Days of Live Morning Meditation Group Calls
  • 1 Releasingย Ceremony Call
  • LIFETIME ACCESS to the program and all future iterationsย 
Bootstrap Testimonial Carousel

Your investment in the program is fully backed by our 100% Money Back Guarantee!


I believe so deeply in this program & this process that I know that if you show up to the calls and do the work you WILL have a transformation. This is how much belief I have in this program. In RECLAMATION my intention is to shift your life, however, IF this isnโ€™t the case for you after the 8 weeks and you have shown up to the calls and provided proof of doing the SoulWork assignments - I will give you a 100% Money Back no questions asked.

Your investment in the program is fully backed by our 100% Money Back Guarantee!

I believe so deeply in this program & this process that I know that if you show up to the calls and do the work you WILL have a transformation. This is how much belief I have in this program. In RECLAMATION my intention is to shift your life, however, IF this isn’t the case for you after the 8 weeks and you have shown up to the calls and provided proof of doing the SoulWork assignments - I will give you a 100% Money Back no questions asked.


"This program was a truly beautiful experience.

"At the start of the course, all I could think of was 'I just want to be happy. I felt energetically drained from giving soo much of myself to others, and I didn't quite know the best way back to 'me'.

"The course gave me some really valuable tools to not only understand myself & my needs better but to put those into practise and create a much more nourished, balanced & happy life. What I also found soo special was the supportive community I gained. Sharing the experience together helped show us all how similar we all really were... that none of us were alone in our struggles, and together we could create magic!

"I have now since ended the course having quit a toxic job, created a fresh new business, and walking through life inspired and hopeful for what is to come. Thank you soo much Danielle for all the work you do, you are a true earth angel xx."

โ€“ Krystal



โ€œThis program completely changed my life! I love working with Danielle and I will work with her, if I can, FOREVER! She is just so amazing, giving, loving, and intelligent! Her programs really help me become the highest version of myself!โ€

โ€“ Medina



ย ย ย ย 



@ Midnight on August 30th










$1111 USD

  • Lifetime Weeks Access to FB Community
  • 10 LIVE Weekly 90-minute Group Coaching Calls
  • 6 x Healing Hoursย 
  • 1 x Group Hypnosis
  • 10 Days of Live Morning Meditation Group Calls
  • 1 Releasingย Ceremony Call
  • LIFETIME ACCESS to the program and all future iterationsย 


$186 USD for 6 months

  • Lifetime Weeks Access to FB Community
  • 10 LIVE Weekly 90-minute Group Coaching Calls
  • 6 x Healing Hoursย 
  • 1 x Group Hypnosis
  • 10 Days of Live Morning Meditation Group Calls
  • 1 Releasingย Ceremony Call
  • LIFETIME ACCESS to the program and all future iterationsย 


$1111 USD

  • Lifetime Weeks Access to FB Community
  • 10 LIVE Weekly 90-minute Group Coaching Calls
  • 6 x Healing Hoursย 
  • 1 x Group Hypnosis
  • 10 Days of Live Morning Meditation Group Calls
  • 1 Releasingย Ceremony Call
  • LIFETIME ACCESS to the program and all future iterationsย 


$186 USD for 6 months

  • Lifetime Weeks Access to FB Community
  • 10 LIVE Weekly 90-minute Group Coaching Calls
  • 6 x Healing Hoursย 
  • 1 x Group Hypnosis
  • 10 Days of Live Morning Meditation Group Calls
  • 1 Releasingย Ceremony Call
  • LIFETIME ACCESS to the program and all future iterationsย 
Get DEVOTION free with your purchase of RECLAMATION

๐ŸŽ Bonuses ๐ŸŽ

The Bonuses Included in this program will help you along the process to reclaiming your self worth!

About Me


Danielle Reedy (neรฉ Kettlewell) is an Olympian, Author of โ€œThe Unlikely Olympianโ€, Speaker & Life Coach integrating her spiritual perspective in allowing souls to claim their self worth & life of their dreams. After an unbelievable story and quantum leap to becoming an Olympian in 2016, Danielle declared that when she retired from sport she was going to spend the rest of her life helping souls. In 2019, Danielle retired publishing her book soon after, then set out on the journey of helping souls all around the world. Since then Danielle has worked with clients 1:1 and in group programs all around the world to claim their self worth so that they can manifest the life of their dreams. Her two signature programs are Reclamation &ย Magnetic.

About Me


Danielle Kettlewell is an Olympian, Author of “The Unlikely Olympian”, Speaker & Life Coach integrating her spiritual perspective in allowing souls to claim their self worth & life of their dreams. After an unbelievable story and quantum leap to becoming an Olympian in 2016, Danielle declared that when she retired from sport she was going to spend the rest of her life helping souls. In 2019, Danielle retired publishing her book soon after, then set out on the journey of helping souls all around the world. Since then Danielle has worked with clients 1:1 and in group programs all around the world to claim their self worth so that they can manifest the life of their dreams. Her two signature programs are Reclamation & The Clarity Code.

Bootstrap Testimonial Carousel

"When I signed up for the course I was at a point in my life of great sadness. I had been recently separated from my husband who I believed to be my soulmate. I came across Danielle on Tiktok and felt drawn to her healing energy. I knew my heart needed healing but didn’t realize how much until I was in the midst of the other beautiful women who embarked on this journey to worthiness with me. I felt so safe to heal parts of me I had buried. I learned to peel off the layers to get to the layer that real healing takes place.

"By the time the eight weeks were complete I was like a whole new person, I feel so light like a weight had been lifted. I could have never did this alone, at 57 years old I had tried previously. Moving forward I know my worth, I know who I am and I know I will never forget it! I recommend this program to all women, any age ...don’t wait another day to heal, for ripping that bandaid off is only the beginning, you’ll no longer be nursing your wounds’ll know your Worthiness!” 

– Bev

'This program has truly been a transformative experience. With the powerful support of Danielle and a group of amazing woman, I have began living my life for me again. It has given me the tools to continue my journey in becoming my highest self while loving my present and past self in the process. Through this program I have realized what the power of 8 weeks can do in my life and can’t wait to continue this trajectory and see what can be accomplished in a year. Danielle had a beautiful way of helping me take ownership of my own growth while always being there to guide me to see my own truth.

Coming into this program I was at an extremely low point in my life, but I wouldn't accept it. I was living everyday for other people and no longer saw myself as a person worthy enough to be considered. Through the program I learnt how powerful I am because of my past experiences, how they have shaped my life and how crucial they were in helping me become everything I am today. I learnt how important it is to love myself and how much more i can achieve and help others when I am fulfilled myself.

On the completion of the course, I see glimpses of my higher self every day. I am in control and I have tools to help me when I lose grip of that control or forget to prioritise myself. I have made friendships that will last a lifetime and have met amazing people from all walks of life. Our journey is one that lasts a lifetime but, in 8 weeks I have grown and achieved more than I could imagine. My self-love, confidence and trust in myself have taken exponentials leaps and I wake up in complete gratitude for the lessons, love and joy each new day will bring.

– Liv


"I was at a place where I wasn’t as confident in the workplace as I could’ve been and learning how to overcome that energetically has literally gotten me exactly what I wanted this semester. I've also learned so many tools to help my friends when they are open to it.

At this point- I have new amazing friends from the program, I have been inspired to be more in tune with myself, I’m a little better with my intuition, I know how to let go of things and heal myself as needed, and I’ve improved in general so much. I’m much more confident in the workplace and I’m able to tune back into my 5D mindset after my day to manifest and create more of my ideal reality."

– Zoe

What did you learn in the program?

"That I am completely worthy of happiness, and that I deserve it!! I need to live for me, and fill my cup up first so that I actually have more to offer to my friends and family than fumes!! The realization of being worthy after living the first 43 years of my life feeling that I was never worth it. Such an amazing epiphany!! ๐Ÿฅฐ"

What would you say to someone who is nervous about the investment? "Take the leap!! I didn't think that I was worth the financial investment to begin with, but I was so lost and confused that I needed to try something, and then scrolling through TikTok I met DK and the rest is history!! My dear, you are so totally and completely worth spending the money on!!! Danielle is such an amazingly beautiful soul!! She is most definitely on her path to her highest self, and wants to help you get on your path as well!! You are worth so much more than the cost of this program. This program will help you realize that as long as you put the effort into yourself and your weekly work. ๐Ÿ’œ"

– Karla

“I could write a book about all I learned. I learned that I have everything within that I need, I learned to trust myself, to trust the power of connection and vulnerability. I Fell in love with the healing benefits of our circles :) I learned to listen more, trust my intuition and to stop believing the words and actions of people who do not have my best interests in heart. I learned that where I focus, love hope possibility grows. I learned I AM the mother that my children need and that my 4year old inner child needed.

"If there is one thing I wish everyone knew and what I learned during the 8 weeks was this

"When we focus on ourselves, when we lean into ourselves, love ourselves, take time for ourselves, do the work even the hard things, we bloom and we naturally with little to no effort pour into others xo we begin to shine so bright and manifest everything we could ever need. You begin to feel lighter and the world is brighter! Trust the process!!!"

– Julie

“Before starting this program, I struggled a lot with feelings of unworthiness, negative self-talk, insecurity, and just all around feeling not good enough. I’ve been through a lot in this life and have always been very hard on myself. I debated doing this course at first, and I’m so glad I decided to go through with it! Through this process I have learned so much about myself, and have healed and grown from so many past pains and traumas that I had been putting off for years because I hadn’t felt strong enough yet. With the support and guidance from Danielle (and the other beautiful women in this group!), I truly feel stronger and more worthy than ever.

Healing and loving my inner child, having more compassion for myself now, expressing those uncomfortable emotions, so much forgiveness, and radical self acceptance and self love, are just a few things I’ve gained through this experience. I’ve noticed a definite inner shift from where I was when I started to where I am now, even friends and family have noticed this change in me. It was beautiful seeing this similar shift (both internal and external) in the other women as well! I don’t want to even imagine where I would be if I had decided not to do this course. It has felt like I was able to finally finish a huge chapter in my life and I’m finally ready to move forward. I feel so blessed to have found Danielle this year, she is such a bright and beautiful soul who cares deeply, has so much love to give and wisdom to share! I will cherish these 8 weeks for the rest of my life.๐Ÿ’—”

– Mackenzie

“Before Worthy my self-worth and motivation was low. Within the weeks of the program, there was a noticeable shift in my mood, energy levels, motivation and confidence. The content, tools, meditations and healing techniques helped in many ways and was always interesting. Aside from the content, Danielle offered a safe space to be vulnerable, check ins for accountability and a group environment to learn in that made me feel connected and supported. Even though Worthy has ended, I feel motivated now and can continue to use the tools and techniques from the program. Danielle offered so much support and genuinely cared - I feel like the program started with her believing in what I’m capable of and ended with me believing that myself.”

– Chantel

"I will forever be grateful for Danielle Kettlewell - she changed my life!

"Joining WORTHY is one of the best decisions I have ever made. I have never felt so fulfilled or at peace with myself or the universe until now.

"I grew up in a very small minded environment and was taught not to question my beliefs. But what I was taught never sat right with me. 

  • I believes that if I put myself first I was selfish. 
  • I had to be happy all the time. 
  • I was never enough. 
  • Love faded
  • The universe/God was out to get me
  • I was terrified of dying because I was either going to heaven or hell.
  • I held onto a lot of hurt.

"Throughout WORTHY I had a lot of breakthroughs and by the end I realised everything I believed was bullshit.

"So Now I have new beliefs: 

  • I am a freaking beautiful soul have a human experience.
  • I am not selfish.
  • You need to look after yourself,girl!
  • It’s totally okay to have a med day but I am strong enough to allow myself to feel all the emotions and look after myself.
  • You must love yourself because someone else can.
  • I can forgive others for the hurt they caused me. It’s no longer ‘why me’ it's ‘try me!’
  • I am no longer scared of death because Danielle showed me it's okay to question and have other beliefs. She opened me up spiritually and it's so powerful! I am so at peace with my journey. 

"So right now if you are wondering if you should take the leap and join - DO IT!

"Do it for you, you deserve this. I promise you won’t regret putting yourself first. 

"I have never felt so at peace and in love in my entire life! I am pursuing my dreams and living my life on purpose as intended. Thank you Danielle!"

– Nikita


All artwork on this landing page is from the beautifully talented Danielle Noel. 

Please refer to her website for more information: 

All artwork on this landing page is from the beautifully talented Danielle Noel. 

Please refer to her website for more information: